The Good Life and The Good Book

At Gracepoint Berkeley church, Bibliopolis U has started a reading revolution indeed. A lot of our Praxis brothers and sisters came to the book fair this past Sunday, and more than a couple of people remarked, “These remind me of Scholastic Book Fairs from elementary school!” Everyone is super motivated to win their free book, many even kept asking, “Are you sure? This is too good to be true! Do I have to write a book report?”

Some asked me how I was able to get all of these books for such good prices. Unfortunately, I don’t know of a secret place to buy brand new books on the cheap. Church is actually subsidizing the cost of the books because we’re that excited to encourage you all to read — isn’t that awesome?

For some exciting news, we had our first two college students who read 4 books redeem their bookmarks for their free 5th book. Jennifer and Matt are both seniors in Berkeley Koinonia (represent!).

free book - the good life

Jennifer chose The Good Life by Charles Colson for her free book! Is it just me, or does Frances looks even happier than Jennifer? 🙂 

matt choses the bible - the best book!

Matt chose the Good Book, which is, after all, the best book!

Were you at the book fair this past Sunday? What have you started to read? 

Never Fear, The Book Fair is Here (again!)

BU-logoAn update from Bibliopolis U at Gracepoint Berkeley church. We had our first student complete her 4 books, and she’ll be receiving her free 5th book tomorrow! Maybe I can convince her to let me feature her on the blog with a little reading testimonial. Who will be our first post-grad to complete 4 books? 🙂

Anyway, after last Sunday’s smashing success, we loaded up all of the books into one van and had a second book fair this past Friday at DL.

a lot of books

I think we’re just a *little bit* serious about reading here!

While it was a Friday, it felt decidedly less like a Black Friday sale (see video below) than last Sunday, because we had the fair going on throughout the day and people were free to drop in to browse and purchase books at their leisure. There was also classical music and people hanging out reading throughout the rainy day. Very refined indeed.

Remember that we’re having another Book Fair tomorrow after Sunday Worship Service. It’ll be in the gym.

Check out this unscripted commercial for the Book Fair and find out why Jeff wanted to cry. It’s not because of Josh, really! It’ll be less hectic, and even more awesome, because we’ll have about 82 different titles (almost all of the ones on the Recommended Reading List) available tomorrow. Hope to see you there!

Book Fair Commercial from hemilykim on Vimeo.

Launch of Bibliopolis U!

BU-logoI am super excited to announce the launch of Bibliopolis U at Gracepoint Berkeley church! We’re starting a reading revolution, from the youngest all the way on up. To jump start everyone’s reading, we’ve released a Recommended Reading List 1.0. It’s a starter list, and we will be adding to it as we go along, but I think the 85 books should keep everyone pretty busy for a while.

To kick everything off with vim and vigor, we had a book fair in the gym after worship service. There was so much excitement it looked rather like a crowded subway station. But we sold over 320 books in less than an hour! We’re expecting a whole lot more books for this coming Sunday, and we’ll be relocating to a more spacious venue.

happy customers with books

These happy customers were willing to be photographed. Look behind them at the crowd…that was *after* a bunch of people cleared out.

veteran readers

A couple of veteran readers perusing the BU Recommended List. Joe: “I’ve read all the books on this list.” Annie: “Wow, you’re awesome!”

As an extra incentive, everyone received a bookmark with our great logo, and our key verse. And on the other side, the clincher: Read 4 books from the list, and receive your 5th book for free! Wowza!
bibliopolis U

Were you at the Book Fair? What books are you excited to read, or have already started?