Thanks for Recycling for Books!

Just a quick update about the Bibliopolis Recycling Fundraiser. We had a good run for the 2015-2016 school year, but alas, we have come to an end. Thank you, Gracepoint Berkeley church, for drinking so much water, milk, soda, hipster kombucha, etc. You helped the kiddos raise over $350 for books and other library needs throughout the year!

Even though we won’t be continuing with the recycling fundraiser, I’m sure all of you will continue to be conscientious green readers!

Introducing Bibliocafe

While our Recycling Fundraiser is going strong, we introduce a fundraiser that might be a bit more popular. Books & Tea (or Coffee), a pretty awesome combo. Even C.S. Lewis, who famously said, “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me” agrees!

Welcome to Bibliocafe, where you can enjoy a cup of assorted teas, coffee, and hot chocolate.

We don’t have prices, but as it is a fundraiser, we appreciate any and all donations. The kiddos and I appreciate it all — 100% goes towards books! So stop on by some time.


DIY Christmas Tree for Book Lovers!

All the parents of K-5th students at Gracepoint Berkeley church are experiencing the joys of early dismissal all week long…what to do with the kiddos for the entire afternoon?!

Kristen and Allison made great use of their energy and time by engaging in a simple but awesome Christmas DIY project — I introduce to you the Book Christmas Tree!! It doesn’t smell as nice as a real tree, but it’s definitely easier to maintain. No water needed, and no shedding either. Here are Allison and Kristen with a step-by-step tutorial!

beginning the tree

You basically Jenga some books in a tree shape. If you have a gazillion green books, you can go spine out, but these ladies decided to go spine in.

tree in progress

After a few false starts, the girls achieved a tree shape (as opposed to a rocket!)

tree before lights

Tree topper of choice is Shepherd Snoopy holding mini-Shakespeare standing in as a yellow star.

tree with lights

Then you add the lights!

tree picture with 1st graders

Now you can have all sorts of “family pictures” around the tree — here the creators are with the 1st grade girls. 🙂

A very affordable alternative for those who want to get into the holiday spirit. You can use the books you have already! And you can showcase your book love for all your friends and family. Super cool, eh?