1st Anniversary of Bibliopolis U

Last year, after the college winter retreat at Gracepoint Berkeley church, we launched Bibliopolis U for the college students and post-grads. Since then we’ve had a few book fairs and three reading challenges — remember our Free 5th Book Challenge? How about the Summer Bingo Challenge? And of course, our most recent Winter Reading Challenge.

Bibliopolis U took the reading revolution churchwide, and many people have shared that they have read more books this past year than in a long while (or ever)!

To commemorate an awesome year of reading, and to jump start an even more awesome one to come, I invite you all to share about the best Christian book you read in 2016. It’s ok if you can’t decide your absolute favorite — just pick one you liked a lot!

You can fill out the form to submit your review/recommendation, and some of these will featured in our bookstore and on the blog. This is *YOUR CHANCE* to be on the wall, even if you haven’t been able to complete any of the reading challenges! Even if you read just one book, it’s technically the best book you read in 2016. πŸ™‚

This is not limited to the people at Gracepoint Berkeley church, but open to everyone across our Gracepoint Ministries.

Looking forward to all of your responses! Don’t be shy, ok? πŸ™‚

Did you have an awesome reading year? Share your reading wins below in the comments!

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