Give Me This Mountain

41lv9gzxo3l-_sx315_bo1204203200_Give Me This Mountain is the autobiography of Dr. Helen Roseveare, well-known missionary doctor and author. She worked in the north-eastern province of the Belgian Congo with the Heart of Africa Mission in the 1950’s and 60’s. Physical dangers and her personal ambition in the Congo often almost sank her, but her faith and hard work brought her through. Her story is one of bright mountains, conquered after experiencing the dark valleys and learning to give the glory to God.

1 thought on “Give Me This Mountain

  1. God transformed Roseveare from someone who sought significance in achievement and was full of insecurities into a medical missionary who sacrificed it all for the people in the Congo. I really saw that through the sufferings she endured, she was able to share in Christ’s sufferings and thus have a deeper fellowship with Him.

    While being held captive (where she suffered all sorts of abuse) she states, “Wickedness surrounded us on all sides’ it seemed inevitable that we should be killed. And in my heart was an amazing peace, realization that I was being highly privileged to be identified with Him in a new way, in the way of Calvary. I witnessed the outpouring of hatred against the white man. I became very conscious of the extent to which we head earned this. If I was willing to be identified as a European with the sin of the white people against the African in the past fifty or more years –[…] then perhaps, in some small way, I was privileged to be part of the extirpation of that sin.”


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